Credit Rating Approach and Methodology

Credit Rating Approach and Methodology

Credit Rating Approach and Methodology

SCCB Comprehensive Report’s Credit Rating (Credit Assessment (CA) Rating) serves as an indicator to identify business sustainability risk or going-concern issue or probability of failure. The CA Rating is rated on a scale rating basis from 1 to 6 where 1 is the lowest risk and 6 is the highest risk. The CA Ratings are determined based on different weightage composition assigned on Financial and Non-Financial factors.

Credit Rating Approach and Methodology

The rating serves as a reference to assess the Subject Company’s credit to be extended. It is calculated from a composite of weighted scores obtained from each of the major sections of this report. The assessed factors and their relative weights (as indicated through %) in our credit analysis are as follows:

  • Financial Condition (40%)
  • Credit History (20%)
  • Ownership Background (20%)
  • Payment Record (10%)
  • Market Trend (5%)
  • Operational Size (5%)